Tuesday, July 23, 2013

" this doesn't look like a bike, Zoe"


My sister as you can tell is a walking stick. So I couldn't wait to get her in a gym and wear her out.  So I decided what better than to take her spinning. Since my first time spinning, well lets just say I was walking like a cowgirl for a week after. I was so excited to watch her sweat!! We got to the gym and after she drooled at all the older men we walked into the spinning class.

My first spinning class was at another gym and well it was intense. This little blonde girl ( the instructor) hops on her bike and starts talking through a mike all soft and relaxing. I am like whaaaa? hold up. I wanted dark and loud and exhilarating!!! What the french toast is this???! NOT at all what I thought it was going to be. Did we sweat? Yes. Did we wanna give up? Yes. Did we have fun? NOOOO!!!!

Lesson learned. Every instructor and gym is different. I had fun with my sister though! She was like okay at 30 minutes I am DONE! haha the class only lasted 45 so we were good. I couldn't believe I made it through some of the hills. I need to bring my sister more so I can show off and sweat my butt off. OH well la la la I guess we will do Zumba tomorrow and take it slower. Dont want my little stick to break ;P

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