Monday, September 16, 2013

I "sit" For ME!

Kate and I freezing but cheesin!
 What a FUN morning. 
So I found out about the walk last minute. I have been trying to volunteer for a walk, but seems like every time one comes around its too hot or something comes up last minute. I was very excited to see it was supposed to be 60 degrees !!! I couldn't wait. But as the day approached the weather channel predicted it to be 40 degrees!! Oh I was so excited about this. I picked out my outfit the night before like a little kid going on a field trip the next day. My BFF Kate joined me ( her mom has MS too) she had DOUBLE the reason to be there.  I woke up at 6:30 AM and headed that way. 

I got there early and Kate followed shortly after. I had gotten a coffee ( an iced coffee on a 40 degree morning), I put it on the ground, then I unfolded a table right on top of it! AHH Bye bye coffee. Thankfully Kate showed up with the same coffee ( it was hers, but whats hers is mine right?). 

I sat there doing registration with Kate, I tried to stay as busy as I could, and not look up much. Since I could see women in wheel chairs and people with a small limp even a bling woman came up to the table. It was a hard thing to ignore... I couldn't help but to sit there and let my brain start running and imagine the worst. But then I looked over and saw my friend there, FOR ME. And met some people that within 5 minutes of meeting me, told me that they are going to help me with my MS and are there if I need anything. HOW FREAKING AWESOME IS THAT? No wait, let me answer. Pretty awesome. I then came home to my daughter who just brightened my day and makes me want to KEEP walking and KEEP going. Because I need to... 

All in all it was a great day! And now I have a new DR closer to home, who hopefully will be able to help me in my journey to stay healthy. 

lalala doing it all over again next saturday.

Sippin The Pink Drank

30 days on Plexus Slim 
30 Days.
So now Ive finished my 30 days on Plexus. Seems like it went by quick. 
When I did my half way post I had only lost 4 lbs. And I am not going to lie I was a little disappointed. I mean my stomach didnt shrink like the pictures I had seen and I didnt look like Megan Fox.... HAH! Well there was a few other differences. For one, I wasnt binge eating anymore. The accelerator pills really put a HUGE halt on my hunger. I still would snack here and there, but I wasnt hungry for full meals. Second my energy was AHHHMAZING. I normally have to push myself to even do dishes ( WHO DOESNT) but seriously, I am like a little snail, around the house. Not with Plexus, I was on top of my game. 

It helped me at the gym too, I had the energy to go in the evenings. I would get excited to go and wanted to. My Zumba teacher works our butts and I was able to keep up!!! Half way through, about the time I did my half way weight gain, I started to have MS symptoms again. Aside from the normal headaches, I got numb on my right side. I was a little sad because I knew what this meant. STEROIDS. Which means, weight GAIN. I was all well there goes that. I put it off as long as I could. But then I took them. 
30 days on Plexus

From feeling so crummy and other stuff, I didn't go to the gym for a little just because I didn't have the energy. And I KNEW that I was going to gain weight.. the little progress I had made was going to go bye bye. Well, I went to the gym Friday...... AND I LOST 4 MORE LBS!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Plexus!! I thank plexus because normally I gain tons of weight when I do a steroid treatment. And I was very happy to find out that not only I didn't gain, but I lost!! 

Total of 8 lbs. I am very happy with that. Considering I didn't go to the gym for the last days and I didn't drastically change my diet.

Lalala my weight loss journey int over yet!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

2 Weeks On The Pink Drink

Can you see a difference?! I can!

SO! Its been two weeks of me drinking Plexus slim and taking the accelerator pills along with it. Here is what I have learned so far! About the drink itself, it taste like Crystal Light. I learned quickly to mix it in a bigger bottle ( than just a water bottle) because it clumps up and then you have to shake shake shake!!! So I bought a pink bottle ;) and that is where I mix it. 

I took the accelerator pills, but I started out with just one. The recommended amount is 2 every day. Because I am not big on caffeine I started out with just 1 so that I could get a feel for it. And after a few days I built up to taking two. I am not going to lie the first 2 days of taking 2, I got a little jittery and was very energetic BUT it was great! I have had the energy to do normal every day things. LIKE Ive kept my house clean. Normally I clean but slowly through the week and just make my way around. This pink drink has helped me keep a normal energy level the past 2 weeks. No dragging around and taking 2 naps every day.

I didn't see the scale magically drop 10 lbs after the first week ( how realistic right??). After weighing in I have lost 4 lbs. 2 weeks 4 lbs, its not bad. Its better than where I was. I was stuck!! I couldn't get past that 180 BUMP. And now I finally at 178! Its not 150 with a flat tummy, but I am headed in the right direction, right? My shorts at the gym are getting looser ( I know because during stretching in Zumba my but crack was showing. I had to keep pulling my pants up!). I am very excited to see what comes in the next 2 weeks!!! Stay tuned amigos!

La la la... I cant wait to share the final results with you all!!! ;)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Teen Mom Yet Another Season???

Picture I posted when my eggo was preggo
Okay so I am one of those people that watches teen mom, just to point and talk bad about it. But LESSSBEEEHONEST who doesn't? When I saw they were making another season I was like seriously? How many more teen moms can they find? But then again there are girls out there getting pregnant just to audition for 16 and pregnant. Google it. 

Last season they aired, I was pregnant, and thats what inspired me to post this picture on my Facebook and Instagram. Everyone loved it. Some didn't, but I don't care. I wanted to make a statement. Because every prenatal visit, everywhere I went where I had to share I was born in 1993, the looks I got. Like I was already a horrible mother. A "typical teen mom". I hated it. These older women that are past 35 pregnant giving me dirty looks, bish please. You are taking so many risks getting pregnant so old. Dont make me whip out that card. Because its in my back pocket. 

Now that I have been a mom 8 months. And their new season is out. I watched it, with a whole new set of eyes. As a mother. Here is what bothered me, they make their every day life seem like such a burden and a hassle. BUT the second you become a mother, its not a hassle or burden. Its what you WANT to do because you love your child. In the episode one of the girls tells the guy " no you hold her, I hold her every day all the time". WHAT THE HELL! You are her mother, you should want to hold her every second, of every day. 

This is what people watch though. Then when they hear me, 1993, they automatically assimilate me with those girls. And assume that I got married because I was knocked up. Or feel bad for my child having a young mom. PUHLEASE. I have seen horrible mothers out there and they are 25+ with jobs and husbands. Ive also seen even older moms with money and everything, yet they ignore their child. I am here with my child every second of the day. And I don't say " Im sick of holding her". Teen mothers shouldn't be judged because of the image these girls have created. That is THEM. That is not me or my friends who have chosen to marry young and have children young. On the contrary I will be able to run around with my kid. And keep up with them because of my age. 

Thats my thought about Teen Mom. But then again I am hooked to watch it. This new season didn't "hook" me as much. My "mom" eyes just see it completely different than I used to. I just feel sorry for them now. 

Lalala... I was technically only a teen mom for 14 days. I turned 20. But still. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My opinion?

So everyone is voicing their opinion about this and I feel like voicing mine. Feel free to disagree, but please don't do it anonymously.

I personally used to watch Hannah Montana, so this was VERY weird for me to watch. My sister and I grew up and used to jam to best of both worlds. I didn't know this was the other side to her world. I would have never watcher her or listened to her music had I known this was what she was doing. So to see her do this now in a sense makes me angry and like I wasted my childhood and MONEY on TRASH. 

This attention she is getting is the wrong attention. Touching herself and "tweaking" on stage? What was she trying to achieve? I am now a mom. And I would NEVER let my daughter watch this nonsense. Why? Because I want my daughter to understand that she and her body are to be RESPECTED. That is isn't reusable and she deserves the best. That is not what this performance teaches girls. This is a slap in the face to females. Her throwing her body around like that??? 

Well thats what I think about it. I hope that she realizes this and apologizes to her young fans and tells them that is NOT the way to behave. 

Lalala What do you think?

Friday, August 23, 2013

The largest yardsale in the world.

Its taken me a little time to write this post because Ive been busy and honestly this didnt turn out like I wanted it to.
My mother in law as you all know repurposes things and resells them. And I am on the hunt for a new camera, so that I can photograph my baby and our life. ANYWAYS. I went to the restore and bought some old windows to turn into chalkboards and such. I also did some mannequins, which I did a post about. I was very excited. I did the math and I was headed to being rich ( just kidding but I thought I would be close to getting my camera).

My mother in law let me have a little corner in her HUGE tent of amazing things she put together.

Being at the sale was so much fun. I was with family and I loved meeting and talking to people. SO many people asked me if Jolene was for sale I had to put a sign up. The first time someone asked was funny by the 50th time it was getting on my nerves so I put this on her play pin. 

I didnt sell as much as I wanted to... I didnt get rich... and I have yet to get a camera. It was however something fun to do. Something I enjoyed with the family. Next year Jolene will be walking so she will be able to help carry stuff.... hahah! 

lalala next year I will be better prepared! 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Malanga babyfood! DIY

Information about Malanga:
 It is what they give stomach ulcer patients in other countries so strengthen their stomach lining. It helps their stomach get strong. Thats why its awesome for babies. Not only is it obviously better than canned baby food but here are some facts; Malanga is high in calories containing 135 calories per one-half cup, cooked. A fairly good source of riboflavin and thiamine, malanga provides a modest source of iron and vitamin C. The good news is Malanga is probably the most hypoallergenic food in the world. Extensive allergies should do very well with Malanga flour. The reason is that the starch grains are the smallest and most easily digested of all complex carbohydrates. 

So I decided to boil it with a little salt and unsalted chicken broth for my little girl. I figured if it helps her gain healthy weight, build a strong stomach, and its not canned baby food. I talked to an older spanish lady and she found me some at the spanish store! So I was very excited. 

I took it out what I wanted to cook and froze the rest, I simply boiled the malanga with water and chicken broth, a little bit of salt too. I set it at like 8 so it wasn't on HIGH and then I left it there for almost an hr... It DOESNT take that long to cook but the softer the better and plus Jolene was sleeping so I wasn't in a rush. 

After it was boiled I put it in the magic bullet cup but I let it sit so it could cool a little bit.

 After it cooled I just put it on the blender and tapped it a few times. Ran a spoon through it and there were no clumps. It was ready!

 It doesn't look very appetizing. But LETS BE HONEST all baby food looks weird. At least this is healthy and you cook it so you know what is in it.

Jolene liked it and she was hyper for more. She eat all of it! It makes me happy when I feed her baby food I make here. Plus this is going to make her strong and help her grow! Not that she is small but all babies need the healthiest and I feel thats what I am giving her.

It is cheaper to make your own. A magic bullet cost $50? I think and then you get the produce. You already have pots and pans so TAH DAH you can make the healthiest thing for your child. I am not going to say Jolene never eats food from the jar. But I see that as taking her to McDonalds... I prefer to feed her what I make here :D and she likes it more!

Lalalala making baby food is fun and rewarding!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I miss breastfeeding...

The whole time I was pregnant I was all about breast-feeding, I couldn't  wait to use my boobs for what they are for. FEEDING MY CHILD. At first I thought I would only get to do it for a little because well, I figured I would be back on meds as soon as she was born. The closer my due date  the more scared I got. The second she latched on though? It was THE BEST FEELING EVER!!!! I was so happy it was working. I had to see a lactation consultant once, since I am a visual learner I had to have someone walk me through it. And from that day on, we never looked back. 

Jolene chowing down for the first time.
Jolene loved it, I loved it, and I didn't want it to end. I sat and day dreamed of the day I wouldn't have to hold my boob for her anymore and she could hold it herself! I wanted to breastfeed until she was at least 1!!! But at around 5 months, I fell. Holding her. And I freaked out.... She wasn't hurt, I made sure of that. But at the same time in the back of my mind I knew that soon I was going to have to go back on meds. 

In the summer MS gets worse and the heat is bad. So I called my doctor and he said I had to stop breastfeeding all together. I trusted my doctor and breastfed her one last time. I had my treatment, was feeling sad and I didnt want to think about it... 

Come to find out, I could have started breastfeeding her a week after I had my treatment. Something I was NOT told.... I am sure my doctor was expecting me to go back on medicine full on. Which I clearly stated I was NOT doing.... 
By the time I realized this it was too late.. 
I tried breastfeeding Jolene again and she was NOT having it. She looked at it and looked away ( thank you formula+bottle).... at that point the guilt sunk in. I should have tried harder....... 

But then I looked at that face... That is a happy, healthy, loved baby. I breastfed for 6 months. Some mothers don't even try. She has never been sick and she loves me the same. She still uses them as pillows........ 

I miss it every day. But now she is eating solids and doesnt slow down. She is happy, I am happy, and my boobs are getting smaller THANK GOD!!! 

Lalala I cant wait til I can have a reduction. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The closest thing to Puerto Rico..... In Kentucky

I LOVE food. 
So! I miss puertorican food like no other.... I mean imagine if you moved to india.. you know you would want some friend chicken, mashed potatoes, and biscuits. Oh and let me not forget sweet tea. Thats how I feel. When I even smell spanish food ( not mexican) I just get this warm feeling like I am back home. Well I shouldn't say home, because this is my home now. But back where I came from. 

I google searched puertorican restaurant and Old San Juan popped up! San Juan is the capital of P.R. and Old San Juan is the well... OLD part of it. So I instantly FREAKED. I drove there Sunday... CLOSED? WHAT why??? So I left... waited a week went back Monday, CLOSED AGAIN!! :( I almost cried. I forgot about the restaurant......

WELL Mr. Million said lets go to dinner! And I instantly thought lets try the puertorican place!!! We get there and BAM its open!! Well I was a little crushed to find out it was cuban.... BUT who cares? Thats close enough! Its not Paula Dean its KFC... but oh well!!! 

My sweet tea!! Its not tea, but its what I grew up drinking. I hate sweet tea btw.

Tostones MM MM MMMM
Jolene LOVED it!

Steak & Onions. Rice and black beans. And sweet plantains!

I am drooling... thinking about it again.
It was so nice to enjoy the dinner and share it with Jolene and Mr. Million.  I love that they enjoyed it! This is the closest I got to the food I used to eat.

Lalala trip to PR soon?

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Okay SO! I was out at the restore looking for windows when I ran into a BUNCH of mannequins for 10$!! And I knew right there and then that I had ran into MOOOOLAAHHH. 
So I texted everyone and ended up having someone tell me BUY THEM ALL FOR ME, I will pay you back! So, I did. 

The agreement was I could take what I wanted and give her the rest. So I took 5. One for my sister, who begged. And 4 for me to sell at the 127 sale. BUT once I got home I was like what the crap am I going to do with this....... I used modpodge and scrapbook paper to cover 2 of them. They turned out so good! BUT I wanted unique and MORE. So, I asked Kate. Notice a pattern? I always as Kate. She was like chalkboard them?! But then we were thinking..... can you just paint fabric and it work? So she looked it up and she couldnt find anyone who had done it. So at this point, it wasnt a project. It was a CHALLENGE. 

I was going to turn this into a piece that semesters could use to either decorate their sewing rooms and take small notes OR use it to sew! And measure! And all kinds of fun stuff. 

I tested a mannequin and BOOM it worked. 
So here is what I had. OBVIOUSLY the mannequin, chalkboard paint (liquid), and a sponge. I used a sponge so that it would soak through. and be even. I was so excited, because this was better than sitting there modpodging ( new verb) little pieces of scrap paper. I did two coats. One, then let it sit over night and did another one! and it works great. Because it is fabric, to clean the chalk off you need a wet rag... But aside from that it works great!!!

I cant wait to see if they sell and to get feedback on what you all think about this fun project! Always check your restore people!!! They always have the cheapest things for awesome DIY projects!

See how its smeared there in the ME? that was my boob, I had a white shirt. I walked around with a pink boob all day! 

Lalala cant wait for my next challenge!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Juicing for the first time!

FINALLY, I have a juicer. Now what....... Haha those were my thoughts exactly, I have it now what the H do I do with it?? So, pinterest it was!!

I was at Kroger and I called my friend Kate. " KATE TELL ME WHAT TO BUY TO JUICE, GET ON THE COMPUTER NOW!". Not like I dont have a smartphone and cant look it up myself, but still.... I went to Kroger and bought different kinds of fruits. Mango, strawberries, kiwi, berries, celery, kale, pears, apples, and pineapple. Thats a good list huh? Well I thought, I will surely mix something I like with all these yummy fruits! So I headed home to try out the beast. Just kidding, its a small juicer, but still. Its better than the juicer I had..... which was NONE.
When I got home Mr. Million was like whaaa? You want to use the juicer, but we have no fruits? HAH. As I unload my 20$ worth of fruits, YES WE DOOOOOO!!!!!! He was more excited about actually using the machine. I washed it, put it together and BBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZ started sticking fruit in there. Kiwi, pineapple, celery, berries,and apples!!! Mr. Million was looking at me like... hmm that one is yours, that has a veggy in it ( celery).... :O I know right? He ended up making another one with just fruit. I was like what ever all brave about to take a sip while thinking, if this taste bad, just pretend its good and show him its delishh!! GULP... YUMMMMMMMMM It actually was delicious!
Considering you are just shoving a bunch of stuff in there, it tasted like something you could pay 4$ for at Smoothie King. I cant wait to try more. Well I have to since I spent 20$ on produce. Juicing is something I can see myself keeping up with its easy and nutritional. For someone like me who really HATES veggies, its a great way to sneak them in there and get the benefits without the taste!! Even Jolene loved it
Lalala now if only it had a selfclean button, I would give it a A+!!!!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The biggest YARDSALE in the world..... Yeah right more like the biggest headache I've ever had!!!

Ever heard of the biggest YARDSALE in the world?! Yeah well my mother in law who like I've said before, gives things that didn't get much love, a lot of love and resells them. She sets up for this huge YARDSALE and sells her art. Because after today I consider it an art. Anywho I need a new camera, so I've embarked on a journey to do some crafts, sell them, and get me that new camera!!!! 

That is me, getting high on spray paint. I am not a very patient person, I am all stressed and will keep being stressed until all this "junk" turns into gold. Ahh!!! I have some DIY projects I am doing and I can't wait to share with you all and show you step by step how I did them. 

Today I turned 3 old windows into chalkboards and learned the following:
-I don't like spray paint
-I think chalkboard paint is over priced
-I admire my mother in law and her patience with projects
-I don't like help/opinions even though I need them 
-This is an expensive hobby
-I like to play with modpodge
-This isn't easy 

Lalala..... Hopefully I can sell all of this stuff and get that camera ;)

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A walk to K-Roger

Today I woke up in a weird happy mood. Since my sister is still here I asked her if she wanted to walk to Kroger (1.2 miles away) and get stuff for dinner. She agreed! So we put on our walking shoes and off we went! 

First off there is a house on the way that I am in love with. Since I was on foot I got to creep in the windows and take pictures. The house is for sale by the way there was no one home! Hah! At least I hope! Anyways a few steps later... Wait for it.... There was a YARDSALE! So, I told my sister when we come back we are stopping there. Once we got to Kroger.... I decided I was hungry. So we walked a little further to subway and shared a yummy sandwich with my sister. Oh! I forgot to mention. I got chips and drinks at Kroger because subway is way too expensive. So I busted out my Kroger chips and Ale8! We got a few looks but OH WELL! 

After lunch and Kroger I walked twice as fast to get back to that YARDSALE! Hee hee! I bought 2 feather pillows. 5 little tea cans that I want for my kitchen to put stuff in. And two metal wall decorations. One says love the other laugh. All for 7$!!!!!!!! *pats herself on the back* 

Heat and MS is like tequila and burbon they do NOT go well together. So, by the time we got home all 3 of us girls crashed. Jolene was asleep by the time I opened the door. Then my sister and I crashed on my bed! 

Today was a great day with my girls. And there is nothing like a YARDSALE to lift your mood. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


So you probably already know I am full puertorican. If you didn't? Now you do. My sister and I thought lets do Zumba together! I must admit I was scared because I did it last week and I had ZERO rhythm. But off we went to shake our butts and have fun. 

For some reason I always thought my sister was a great dancer, since my mom and family are. Oh boy was I WRONG, she was worse than me! Poor thing has two left feet too :( it was a sad day when we both realized we missed a huge part of being Latina.... The dancing part. Hmmm we both had tons of fun though! First song Danza Kuduro. Definitely made us sweat. Which is why we are there.  I just look at the instructor.... Tall, long hair, fit, and just... Gorgeous! So it's my goal to get close to that! 

Mi hermana y yo, decided not to make it obvious that we couldn't shake it. We moved like our lives depended on it!!! The teacher said we could have burned up to 550 calories. That's pretty good for an hour of dancing and fun! I can't wait to do it again. Then we went for smoothies, healthy healthy healthy! 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

" this doesn't look like a bike, Zoe"


My sister as you can tell is a walking stick. So I couldn't wait to get her in a gym and wear her out.  So I decided what better than to take her spinning. Since my first time spinning, well lets just say I was walking like a cowgirl for a week after. I was so excited to watch her sweat!! We got to the gym and after she drooled at all the older men we walked into the spinning class.

My first spinning class was at another gym and well it was intense. This little blonde girl ( the instructor) hops on her bike and starts talking through a mike all soft and relaxing. I am like whaaaa? hold up. I wanted dark and loud and exhilarating!!! What the french toast is this???! NOT at all what I thought it was going to be. Did we sweat? Yes. Did we wanna give up? Yes. Did we have fun? NOOOO!!!!

Lesson learned. Every instructor and gym is different. I had fun with my sister though! She was like okay at 30 minutes I am DONE! haha the class only lasted 45 so we were good. I couldn't believe I made it through some of the hills. I need to bring my sister more so I can show off and sweat my butt off. OH well la la la I guess we will do Zumba tomorrow and take it slower. Dont want my little stick to break ;P

Monday, July 15, 2013

AHA Moment

I was standing in the line at Walmart-fallappart and the lady in front of me had a cart full of fruit and a crap ton of produce. So me, Mrs. Nosey, I asked her what could she possibly need all that for. And she said... juicing... so I was like O.o? WOAH I need to try this, she proceeded to tell me how healthy she was and how much weight she lost. So it got me thinking... and started to make me want to just go run 30 miles until I looked like this -------->>>>> again. But lesssbeeonest that cant just " happen". I looked through all my old pictures and I wanted to cry! I mean I thought I was fat back then. Given I have had to take alot of steroids and meds for my MS... not an excuse just facts!

I have gained a good 75 lbs in a year... and I lost a little when my baby was born. But now I am still over weight and still up in the 170s. And I want to get to back to this ------->>>> 145.
Well, I know better. there is no way I can juice and completely change my eating habits. I have to do it slowly. And with my MS, its best if I exercise. So I signed up at a gym! They have a pool, daycare, tons of fun classes, AND a smoothie bar! So, here begins my journey of getting back to a comfortable weight. I have never been uncomfortable with how I look. But I just want to feel better about myself. I am 20 for crying out loud! I want a hot body! I am done with the Kangaroo pouch.
I will be posting periodical before and after pictures, so stay tuned! 145 145 145! I can do this! right?.... Lalala yeah I can!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Family Pictures!!?

Ever since Jolene was in my belly I just couldn't wait to do family pictures! You know sit everyone looking glamorous and happy... Little did I know how unrealistic those expectations are! But my photographer/best friend was going to make it happen. We left the city ( she lives out in the boonies) and headed to go take our picture.

I picked white for us to wear, white T-shirts and blue jeans. I bought Mr. Millions shirt too big so he was going to rock grey. White, grey, and jeans. For pictures, with a 6 months old... OUTSIDE. It was brilliant. My friend and I always talk too much and then end up not doing the pictures. So since we were determined we just headed outside to do the pictures. We headed into the woods of her house... the woods, I hate the woods. But! Fabulous pictures are worth it, right?

Between the fact that I hate the woods and I cant be serious for a picture to save my life... The pictures were turning out to be more something you keep and laugh at and NOT show people. Because Mr. Million and I weren't in sync and Jolene..... she was not participating! I decided to put Jolene down for a few pictures.. well Kate has a creek, and a dog... Right in the middle of Jolenes'  pictures her dog( Griffon) jumps in the creek and then shakes it off next to his buddy Jolene... Poor Jolene her mother made her wear white.

Here is the picture that describes that day and us as a family. Me, Mrs. Bossy, who just has to be always talking and cant just smile for a damn picture. Mr. Million, always so relaxed and careless. And Little Miss Jolene.... Just wondering why she is outside in the woods and not inside playing with her new toys.

Lalalala I cant wait till fall so we can try this again!

Here is my best friend/ photographer. Kate and I after the hectic photo shoot!